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All I want for Christmas is not to worry about my IT hardware

News & Resources

All I want for Christmas is not to worry about my IT hardware

The holidays can be an interesting time of year with our personal and professional lives sometimes colliding. For the majority of those looking forward to the season’s festivities, it means time with family, good cheer with friends, and perhaps reflecting on the past year’s events and the obvious spiritual connections. Then, or course, there’s the […]

I welcome our new machine overlords

It’s been a while since my last overly alarmist IT security blog, and with the holiday season upon us—as millions of IoT devices lie in wait to once again flood our homes and offices—I figure what better time to scare the crap out of the general public. But, in this instance, it’s not actually about […]

Game of Phones | Brace yourself, data is coming.

OK, let me just start by admitting right up front that the title of this blog is incredibly cheesy. But as cheddar-filled as it may be, there is, in fact, a reason for the reference. As I finish my week at another national trade show event—this one focusing on telecom—I have come to the realization […]

My dad is bigger than your dad

When it comes to the bragging rights—or at least perceived bragging rights—of large data companies, they are matched only by quintessential 10-year-olds on the school playground with stories of how big their fathers are. In short, the rhetoric is high but the facts are questionable. Currently, the boasting about speed comes from several of the […]

The upstairs toilet is overflowing … any suggestions?

When it comes to good habits, bad habits, no habits, and ignoring the fray, IT is so inundated with fads and follies that it’s easy to get lost in the nonsense while trying to keep the business running. It’s this constant barrage of IT needs versus wants where far too many become confused—or in some […]

I’m sure there’s a “head in the clouds” joke here somewhere

As large-scale IT and business events go, VMworld is definitely on the heavy end of the scale. Boasting everything from the newest innovations, the latest of the “new cool,” and, of course, the best parties—it’s no wonder that VMworld is one of the “must visit” events of the year. So, what made this year different? […]

SOL from ISPs due to MP3s, PNGs and MOVs? Not IMHO due to Gig.U

There’s not a day goes by when we don’t get bombarded with stories regarding data. After all, data seemingly comes in all shapes, sizes, and types—we hear about big data, small data, secret data, personal data, data plans, data overages, data coverage, data centers, blah, blah, blah. But, whether we like it or not, data […]

Is it raining outside? Because my building is under water. Any suggestions?

It seems like every article I write these days sounds like it is coming from an old man, sitting on a front porch, waving his fist in the air at passers-by, and every sentence starting with, “In my day…” But, you know what? I’m okay with that. If having more than 15 years of experience […]

What in the hell do humans have to do with IT?

As an IT executive, I spend most of my days sitting in meetings with either my team, clients, or both, contemplating the world of IT infrastructure and business solutions that are created to drive business and the bottom line. And, of course, with that comes a plethora of IT jargon, acronyms, and more, along with […]

Proactively defending against cyberattacks or, how to speak Russian in 10 easy steps

Living in Atlanta, there has always been peace of mind that comes from the pleasantries of suburbia: kids play in the parks, the flowers bloom, and neighbors wave to one another in a utopia-like manner reminiscent of an episode of Leave it to Beaver. However, with the barrage of news regarding cyberattacks that suburban utopia-like […]