To put it bluntly, I think IT departments are the lifeblood of an organization: their…
The upstairs toilet is overflowing … any suggestions?
When it comes to good habits, bad habits, no habits, and ignoring the fray, IT…
All good IT assets go to heaven … Or maybe a landfill. Your call.
Has it ever occurred to you the sheer magnitude of disposable goods we as human…
I’m sure there’s a “head in the clouds” joke here somewhere
As large-scale IT and business events go, VMworld is definitely on the heavy end of…
How to build your own IT infrastructure in 10,000 easy steps
Welcome to the twenty-first century, a time in which the “do-it-yourself” mantra is both exhilarating…
SOL from ISPs due to MP3s, PNGs and MOVs? Not IMHO due to Gig.U
There’s not a day goes by when we don’t get bombarded with stories regarding data.…
Overloaded. Overworked. Over the old-school data center approach.
Not a day goes by when I don't think about the bizarre life we lead…
A tale of IT security, human error, and how curiosity killed the proverbial cat
Have you noticed lately that almost every topic of conversation revolves around IT security, in…