So, here we are again—another quarter come and gone and we are still in the magazine business. Now, I know that I seem to mention this every quarter, but it’s seriously still a little odd. We are, as you well know, an IT Business Solutions company. And though my instinct is to talk tech 24/7, the desire for articles that address the business side of tech are apparently very much in demand.

So much so that I must thank all of you, the readers who are interested in our magazine, and the thousands of hits per week we are getting on our blogs. Again, we are all tech people here—not writers. But, what we can do is deliver our thoughts and experiences on a weekly and quarterly basis in hopes that others can learn from what we see every day.

It’s also that experience that brings us to our latest issue of Inteleca Magazine. As of late, the only words we seem to hear are “digital transformation”—probably the hottest topic I can remember since the advent of cloud computing. So, with the world of business buzzing about the new possibilities of so-called digital transformation, we thought it would be a good idea to tackle the subject head on. After all, with so many possibilities wrapped up into the digital age, it’s important to understand the potential benefits and the potential pitfalls of newly defined processes and infrastructure.

To me, change is always a good thing. It pushes us out of our comfort zones and forces us to adapt and learn new things. That’s the essence of digital transformation. For all of us here, and for companies around the world, the need for change has arrived. So much so that the need is borderline forceful. But why? 

Our world of technology has changed in ways that no one could have predicted. We are collectively connected across the planet every day, and that connection is growing as each minute passes. So, with that connection we as a global society must address how businesses now function and interact with their employees, customers, and others. 

That connection is the essence of the topics at hand. And, with any luck, perhaps a few of these articles will help you on your path to transformation—digital or otherwise.

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