Though I have never been one who has been described as overly sentimental, there’s something about the New Year that always strikes me in a certain way: a look back on what I did well and, of course, reflecting on what I could have improved on. And then there’s the year ahead, the perfect time to establish real goals to meet head-on in the months to come.  It’s this sentiment that brings us to this issue of our quarterly magazine.

With 2019 already in full swing as people prepare for the year ahead, businesses of all types must prepare for the future of business that is already becoming not just technology driven, but technology dependent for success. Of course, there’s the obvious: the ever-present topics in the news as they relate to AI and IoT. These technologies are poised to make the single biggest business impact in history: from better customer engagement all the way through to supply chain management, and beyond. And with all of that new process, the data center will become the epicenter for the functionality and data.

The question becomes: “Is your data center actually prepared for what’s to come?” Then there’s the question of security—a topic that must be on the top of everyone’s list. In a day and age where cyber threats can cripple companies in an instant, ensuring that your security is on point is top priority. In all cases, I have no doubt that 2019 is well on its way to being a fantastic year—as long as we all work diligently to make it fantastic.  I hope all of you have an amazing 2019 and fulfill all of your business goals and achieve the success you rightfully deserve!


Paul Hogg


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