Over the past couple years, it’s been impossible to miss the ongoing supply chain issues that have been messing with everything from toilet paper to vital IT equipment. And, to rub salt in the wound, it looks like things will get worse before they get better.

It’s definitely inconvenient to wait longer for items we want, but when we are waiting on vital equipment the results can be disastrous. Luckily, there are ways to lessen the sting of supply chain drama for your business. 

What’s Causing IT Supply Chain Delays?

It’s not news that a good chunk of blame for the start of the supply chain crisis is due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The early uncertainty about how the virus spread and the resulting shutdowns of most businesses definitely slowed efficiency in shipping

Then, toss in the huge increase in e-commerce while we were all stuck at home binging Netflix and the ongoing staff shortages across most industries, and you’ve got a recipe for congested ports and an increase in shipping time for many goods

Some companies began panicking and overordering equipment just in case there was a shortage, in turn, actually causing shortages (sound familiar? *cough* hand sanitizer!). These long wait times for delivery and lack of products being manufactured put companies at risk of their equipment kicking the bucket with no replacement parts in sight.

How Can I Beat These IT Hardware Supply Chain Issues?

Instead of fearing the prospect of a shortage of new IT equipment for your business, stay ahead of the slow down by purchasing your tech from a reputable refurbished hardware vendor, like Inteleca

Sometimes an overlooked solution, buying repurposed hardware is an obvious choice to skirt holdups in supply chains. Hardware vendors have been stockpiling high-quality gear for years in preparation for a moment just like this.

  • Fully stocked inventory. Inteleca is an industry leader in all aspects of the secondary IT hardware market, representing all major technology brands in our extensive inventory of repurposed equipment.
  • Ability to ship fast. Refurbished hardware vendors are set up to respond to urgent, even emergency orders. Because we get that time is of the essence, we offer same day shipping on orders placed before 4pm EST.

In fact, for any business, having a strong relationship with a reliable resource of refurbished gear is a strategic asset. They help fill in gaps your VAR can’t fill, even when there aren’t supply chain issues. 

We know… sounds great, right? So then why do so many people hesitate when it comes to buying refurbished tech?

What’s Holding You Back from Purchasing Refurbished Hardware?

  • “I’m not comfortable just ordering a part online.“ A quality tech reseller should offer access to engineers and/or experts to assist with your networking plans. (Pro tip: when choosing a refurbished tech vendor, be sure to look for ISO 9001:2015 certification).
  • “I don’t know if I’ll get the quality I want with used hardware.“ When you work with an expert reseller, you’re purchasing parts from top manufacturers that have been painstakingly refurbished, thoroughly inspected, and tested in every detail, down to every single port. 
  • “I don’t have the guarantees or support of the manufacturer.” Inteleca is one of many quality resellers offering end users lifetime warranties for their tech. A good reseller should feel that confident in their expertise, and want you to feel just as confident with your equipment.

Through the Inteleca online store, we serve as your strategic partner. You have access to speak with network engineers and experts who help think through your situation, validate your plan, and find exactly what you need.

Don’t let supply chain delays slow you down. Schedule a call with one of our Inteleca engineers to find out how we can help you get around your tech-sourcing challenges.

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