Every business had its ups and downs in 2021. We know you had some bad days, but did you have a “We just leaked the personal information of 533 million users!” kind of day? 

Facebook woke up to this data breach nightmare in April. Meanwhile, data breaches grew by a massive leap of 17 percent between 2020 and 2021. And all the while, many of us in leadership roles picked up a drink, toasted our good luck, and thought things like, “Well of course someone like them got hit.” 

Take a look at this breakdown of the Top 10 Data Breaches of 2021 from Security Magazine, and ask yourself these questions:

  1. How many of these are you aware of?
  2. Did you know there were so many breaches of this audacity and scope in 2021?
  3. Are you still thinking this is more likely to happen to other companies? 

If the answer to #3 is “yes,” stop what you’re doing. Go write this 100 times on the hardest-to-type-on device you can find so you never forget:

I will not underestimate my value as a target for hackers.

Even if you don’t have the bulk of information, the most sensitive information, or the most high-profile name, your business is at risk right now. Either your data itself or the ability to hold your data for ransom is of value to someone.

Have you considered your data breach defenses from all angles?

This overview on How Data Breaches Happen by Kaspersky is a fast read and an excellent barometer of your level of preparedness. Have you considered security from all of these angles? Many breaches are caused not by a hacker forcing their way in, but by an employee who leaves the door open by accident. 

If there’s one area of IT where it pays to have an outside eye review your strategy, it’s security. Our engineers at Inteleca spend every day focused on network architecture for businesses and data centers and the challenges of securing them for a remote, mobile workforceContact us here, and one of our engineers will reach out to schedule a call.

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